Compliments of the day to you! : I am Alhaji abacha muhammed, son of the late General Sani Abacha, former Nigerian Military President who died on active Government service on june 8,1998. I got your contact from the Internet in my search to secure a partner unknown to me because of the nature and I do believe you can help me. I am contacting you due to the present situation as regards the Undemocratic manner the present Administration in my country (Nigeria) is taking all that belongs to us. You may be aware that this is the usual attitude of leaders especially in Africa when there is a change of Government. The present Government of General Olusegun Obasanjo is currently in a face off with my family in his bid to recover all our money because of Victimisation and Political Vendatta. They have brought up charges of corrupt enrichmemnt against us. The law they made is yet another smear campaign aimed mainly to frustrate, humiliate, dismember and widen the scope of hatred for my family. A personal vendetta by President Obasanjo who was jailed by my father's Regime for plotting a coup d 'etat against his Government in 1995. This highly calculated attempt by this administration plus some Western Banks through bi-lateral relationship has taken away from us a whopping amount in Switzerland and Bank accounts around the World. This rampaging of our Bank accounts abroad have yielded to the barbaric pressure and sometime ago we were squized out of family possessions and money running into multimillion of USDollar because the accounts bear our names. These assertions can be ascertained independently if you wish to confirm this from a leading newspaper in Nigeria (This Day Newspapers) from their website at www.thisdayonline.com from the archives section in the March 10, 2001, January 26, 2002 and March 18, 2002 editions. This pressure is taking a great toll on my family and all we ever own. Please i wish to solicit your cooperation as a foreigner to help me receive some Money Deposited with a Securities and finacial company in Europe which is my only hope / source of livelihood for now. This is a call for you to help receive this money and put the money into good investments since i am barred from leaving the Country for now. Please know that the money is US$52M in cash with a Security Finance Firm in Europe that i intend to put in your care by getting a trusted foreigner to handle money for the purpose of investment and safekeeping abroad. Please Note that you will be expected to deal directly with the security Finance Firm with the information and LEGAL POWER i shall give you to handle the entire transaction. Please know that the Cash Deposit of US$52M is deposited in Trunk Boxes and presently in Europe I use this opportunity to offer you 20% of this money($52M), if you can handle this transaction absolute well for me.This is however subject to our negotiation and agreement. You can contact me ONLY via my email: mualab2@aim.com for now and for security reason. Endeavor to keep this highly confidential. In your response include your private telephone / fax numbers for easy communications with me. My kind regards, Alhaji Abacha Muhammed.